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Poultry slaughterhouse with a capacity of 13,500 units/hour, along with infrastructure, office building, and wastewater treatment plant. Investor: Polżywność sp. z o.o. Address: Golina near Jarocin Total area: 20,984.09 m2 Hall area: 18,484.73 m2 Office and social building area: 1,924.66 m2 Wastewater treatment building area: 434.29 m2 Associated buildings area: 140.41 m2 Volume: 172,298.96 m3…

Investor: Sklepy Doroty / Bruno Tassi Address:12 Staniewicka Street, Targówek District, Warsaw, Poland” Total area: 4843.20 m2 Usable area: 2258.90 m2 Usable area of office building: 1178.60 m2 Usable area of warehouse and distribution building: 1080.30 m2 Cubic capacity: 31455.38 m3 Cubic capacity of office building: 10682.80 m3 Cubic capacity of warehouse and distribution building:…

? 2022 OK Investment SA